Monday, February 28, 2011

Technology Self-Assesment: School 2.0

 Facilitating and Inspiring Student Learning and Creativity:
A talk on creativity in schools by Ken Robinson

In his discussion, Ken Robinson, pinpoints a major problem in public education- a lack of creativity.  He claims that we stigmatize mistakes and we are educating people out of their creative capacities.  He also brings up a major point about how we are medicating our children to sit still and just pay attention rather than taking the time to understand why they cannot sit still.  I think this is a very important point. The educational system today is so structured, that many students who do not fit the structure exactly are ostracized and medicated. A students’ creative capacities is not explored, rather, it is repressed and bend to fit the mold. As educators, it is important for us to educate our students to a full capacity, which means not only mentally and cognitively but also creatively.  With the technology available in the classroom, we must ensure that it is put to good use; helping students thrive academically and creatively.  Under the NETS-T standard, we must “facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.” I think it is important for us to think outside the box and use technology to break the mold and allow students to think in a variety of ways.  Given the proper tools, students can use technology to explore their minds and discover their own creative capabilities.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Hello There.

So, my name is Kelsey and I joined the class a little late (story of my life) but, I am super excited to start the course!

I am a native Californian and started my education in Sacramento and attended a private elementary school until my family moved to Escondido when I was in third grade.  I finished the rest of my schooling right here in San Marcos, being the first graduating class of Mission Hills high school. From there I attended San Francisco State University for two years, decided it wasn't me, and came back to good old San Marcos.  I am a Mathematics major and hope to teach high school math!

As far as the technological continuum, I am on the low end. I have a mac book, an ipod and just last month acquired a touch screen cell phone. Ha. I like to kick it old school.  I am pretty clueless when it comes to the web, I still don't have a facebook or twitter! (eeek.) I am so excited to learn though, I have always wanted to start a blog and I have a feeling I will enjoy this class.

I must say, I like the mission statement. It is very inspiring and I think CSUSM stays true to it. I really like the first part of the statement. I think, like it says, we need to transform public education by having thoughtful educators.  Although I did not attend CSUSM for the mission statement, I am happy to be attending a college with such a great statement!